Punk Transsexuals

Hi, I'm Erin! I'm a submissive sissy who loves pantyhose, body stockings and tights. I'm kinda short with an average build except for my thick legs, thighs, and phat ass, lol! I love feeling girly. So sometimes late at night I secretly have gay...

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I am a transwoman looking to play with men and other transwomen Strictly sub/Bottom with Cis men can maybe swith with other transwomen

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52transwomenlooking for new friend who understand what i am going through looking to transition

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Fun, quirky, label free, spontaneous. Ask to learn more

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UPDATED- 06/30/2015 Looking to date a country cowboy, {and it's not all about sex either} who's a cowboy--all day long! Must be tall, preferably over 6 foot, nicely built. MUST wear a cowboy hat and boots!!! No wannabes or fakers! MUST, I...

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420 friendly, likes to party, very curious, lookin for someone who's willing to release they're inner freak

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just a t-girl trying to find real people. Update: Real B Cups! Working towards B's Real people, who won't play messed up games with me. After a recent experience: I must state that just because I may have things posted here that I'd like to try...

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An easy going, easy to get along with, semi intelligent guy with a sense of humor that ranges decades. I love to laugh, I love music, I fish as often as I can, I golf terribly but I'm having fun leave me alone. I drink, swear, smoke and I'm 420...

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