Blues Transsexuals

I’m a single man I live along in my own house am looking for a nice person to date and see wherever

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A part time CD girl who is seeking other girls like me to dress and have fun together.

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Shy Bi guy wanting to explore and find some friends Only a standard member so unable to read and reply except for when there is the occasional free night. I am cdmengineer att ya then hoo

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Nothing better than curling up with a good book, a little wine, a soft breeze blowing through the open window, oh, it's a bit cold though (rubs thighs)... oh no, I've snagged my nylons, damn it (throws comforter over head, after a moment the sound of...

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Sexy Latina TS looking for fun BLKMAN. I am not interested in games or fake wanna be's...if you don't have a photo on your profile...should you contact me and want a reply, make sure you send a photo of yourself if you want me to reply back.

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Good looking man, and woman when I dress, who loves to play with men, women, TV/TS, and services groups.

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Irish guy, 47, told I'm good looking, looking for attractive fun loving girl for fun times together in a serious realtionship

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Recherche relation sérieuse et de tous les plaisirs sexuels à partager à 2 - Et bientôt déménagemement sur GRASSE, capitale de la parfumerie - GROSSES BISES AMOUREUSES - VOTRE MICHEL CHERI.

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