fuckbook Transsexuals

Wanna be happy n have sex on the regular. Hung mixed race ts would deff make me smile n I love to smile.

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im seeking shemales athletic to slim to fufill my hot wrestling fantasies.Pin me down and take control of me.

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Mature CD in the Midwest. Huge smoking and make up fetish.

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Sexy Latina TS looking for fun BLKMAN. I am not interested in games or fake wanna be's...if you don't have a photo on your profile...should you contact me and want a reply, make sure you send a photo of yourself if you want me to reply back.

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Looking for fun and exploration while being a special friend and assisting with mutual benefits

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very feminine, shaved all over except head. Love all things girly and feminine. I try to stay in shape and I am very young looking for my age (so I have been told). Nice legs and feat. Afterall a girl has to stay beautiful correct ?

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I will ream your ass, or maybe you could ream mine

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Cool calm outgoing great sense of humor gentleman can't recieve messages rn hit me on k*k its my first name plus 619

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Married but wife is no longer interested in sex. I need someone to show me love. Tired of being lonely.

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