Dating Transsexuals

An easy going, easy to get along with, semi intelligent guy with a sense of humor that ranges decades. I love to laugh, I love music, I fish as often as I can, I golf terribly but I'm having fun leave me alone. I drink, swear, smoke and I'm 420...

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To live a quiet, quality life, with a strong, humorous spouse on a horse farm in the North East. I would be happy just about anywhere with the right person :) I am all female...

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I would describe myself a very generous person who appreciates individualism. I would fight vigorously to ensure that individuals have the right to live the lifestyle they choose without being hindered by others. I'm a straight/bi man the seeks a...

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35 hwp single looking for a man who is secure in himself and know whats he wants. I am a very beautiful latina ts.

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Love to crossdress and meet other cds. Love kissing cuddling and oral. Still a virgin otherwise

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I am seeking for someone who likes romance, passion, stimulating conversations, fun and enjoying life to the fullest. A great personality and an open mind to life is a major plus.

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I am a gay guy who loves to dress privately. I do not cd 24-7.. Looking to make new friends have good time together, enjoy a glass of wine, conversation...

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I'm married and open to all kinds of play, but in particular, I'm very orally inclined . . . both giving and receiving, if we were ever to get that far. Would that be something you would also enjoy? I can and will top you, if you like. If that...

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