Single and dateless ... LAME! :-p

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Vancouver, British Columbia | Frau Suche eine/n Mann

Basis Information

Ich kann sprechen
Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als
Marie is ... your typical girl next door. As others have said, her best features are her eyes, smile, and butt! She enjoys a 9.4 rating on Hot or Not! She is intelligent, kind, compassionate, generous and giving, down-to-earth, honest, open-minded, loyal to her friends, playful, mischievous, funny, and tolerant of life's diversity of people. Although not religious, Marie follows a simple yet elegant life philosophy of happiness through exploring all that life has to offer. With a unique personal perspective, she has grown to believe that happiness comes from within and beauty is superficial (but very handy sometimes!). She is honest and open, but strangely guarded until trust is earned -- imagine that! Respect is the key to her heart and mind. This girl is no-nonsense and reality-based: no drugs EVER, alcohol only when the occasion beckons, and abides by society's rules as best she can.
Marie enjoys ... numerous interests which include: bowling, dancing, fitness, hiking/trekking and camping, roller blading, Tennis, and pretty much any other sport that maintains her interest. Being into "experiences", she's game (pardon the pun) on mortgaging her home to purchase hockey tickets and watch them disappoint the home crowd, or to going to a B.C. Lions game and incessantly asking her date "Why do they keep gathering around each other and gossiping in between plays?". She is willing to try new things (to a point), meet new people (well not everyone!), and longs to travel the world -- especially Britain, Europe, and Australia/NZ. Places traveled: Canada, USA, Scotland, and Thailand. Next stop: China/Tibet 2009!
Marie wants ... nothing. She's not THAT materialistic! However, she prides herself on her appearance and personality. Shopping for new clothing can hardly be classified as "want" for Marie -- it's more like a critical bodily function or necessary appendage for her! Beware her withdrawal from shopping if you prevent her from going to the malls too long! Oh, a little companionship to share in life's enjoyments wouldn't hurt her (see above for what Marie enjoys, for ideas for dates and encounters).
Does she sound interesting, someone you'd like to meet? If not, she'll have to fire her current PR rep and hire a NEW spin-doctor! :-p

Erscheinung & Situation

Mein Körpertyp ist
Meine Größe ist
5' 7 (1.7 m)
Meine Augen sind
Meine Herkunft ist
Europäisch, Kaukasisch
Mein Familienstand ist
Ich habe Kinder
Ich möchte Kinder
Meine beste Eigenschaft ist
Gepierct... Aber nur die Ohren
Mein Haar ist
Ich habe ein oder mehrere folgende Haustiere
Keine Haustiere
Bereit umzuziehen


Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist
Teilweise Hochschule
Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist
Meine Spezialität ist
Mein Job-Titel ist
Secret Agent Girl!
Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel
$75,000USD bis $99,999USD
Ich lebe
Alles ist ruhig
Ich bin Raucher
Ich trinke
Ja - Sozial


In der Hauptschule war ich
Mein soziales Verhalten ist
Reserviert, Schüchtern, Aufmerksam, Freundlich, Comedian, Flirtwillig
Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind
Trainieren, Sport, Musik, Filme, Internet, Clubbing / Ausgehen, Tanzen, Essen gehen, Fotografie, Reisen, Kochen
Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist
Shoppen gehen, Versuche neue Dinge, Filme, Clubbing / Bars, Videospiele spielen
Ein ideales erstes Date wäre
Spending several hours online chatting, talking on the phone to actually HEAR each other, then meeting up at a neutral location precisely half-way between our respective homes, having a drink, getting to know each other a little more, having a bite to eat, then go to the nearest 10-pin bowling center and scoring 197 in the 2nd game.

Wait ... that WAS my first date!
Ich wollte immer schon versuchen
To improve my high game in bowling.
Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als
Freundlich, Mysteriös, Ein Flirt


Meine Religion ist
Ich besuche Gottesdienste
Mein Ziel im Leben ist
To be happy and positive. I will never stop learning about new things or places. I will eventually see the world.
Mein Art Humor ist
Clever, Trocken / Sarkastisch, Albern, Mysteriös


Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an
Ich habe keinen Fernseher
Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer
Action, Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama
Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer
Rock, Electronic, Pop, Klassik, Lating, Dance
Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer
Ich mag lesen nicht
Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist
Please see my profile description ... when it's up and running!

Suche nach

Was findest du attraktiv?
Intelligenz, Gutes Aussehen, Humor, Sensibilität, Esprit, Nachdenklich
Wonach suchst du?
Appearance and Personality: a complete package!

Physically: you got to be above-average looking to OMG-gorgeous; athletic; tall (5'11" or taller); well-groomed; healthy and fit; non-smoker & no drugs; and good teeth.

Personality-wise: intelligent, sensitive, confident, sense of humour, respectful, multi-dimensional, kind, fun and outgoing!
Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du?
Freund, Date