:D Shy but mischievious

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Lafayette, Colorado | TS/TV/TG Hledám A Muž


Angličtina, Francouzština, Jiné
Sebe bych popsal(a) jako
Sorry for the extended absense. I've been away for a bit.

So since the website just updated and it’s no longer allowing me to separate paragraphs from paragraphs I’ll keep this short until they fix it.

First thing is first; I am a pre-op transsexual. I identify as a fully fledged biological female who is attracted to young, masculine, and muscular men. I’m NOT interested in watching a man play “dress up” because that’s not what I’m into.

I DO have plans to undergo Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS). I would have had SRS the first second I was born but we all know that isn't possible until I was 18 years old. I am NOT going to keep any male genitalia. I do NOT want to engage in sexual activities that involve my pre-operation genitalia (read on for more details). I apologize for wasting your time if this is not what you want. However I identify as a female and intend to become as biological close as possible with today's technology and surgery procedures.

Feel free to ask me about anything you're curious about.

Vzhled a situace

Má postava je
Má výška je
1,7 m
Barva mých očí
Můj původ je
Můj rodinný stav je
Nikdy jsem nebyl ženatý nebo vdaná
Mám děti
Chci děti
Nejsem si jist(a)
Mou nejlepší částí je
Body Art
Ani mě to nenapadne
Barva mých vlasů
Tmavě hnědá
Mám jedno nebo více z uvedených
Žádní domácí mazlíčci
Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat


Má úroveň vzdělání je
Nějaká výška
Můj současný stav zaměstnání je
Mé zaměření je
Zdravotnictví / Lékařství
Název mého zaměstnání je
Student/Technical Support
To si vydělám za rok
$15,000USD až $29,999USD
S rodiči
Přátelé občas přijdou
Jsem kuřák


Na střední škole jsem byl/a
Tichý jedinec
Mé společenské chování je
Rezervované, Plaché, Opatrné, Anti-společenské, Přátelská osoba, Komické, Flirtující, Tajemné, Zvláštní
Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou
Vzdělávání, Hudba, Internet, Hry, Vaření, Auta, Počítače
Má představa skvěle stráveného času je
Jít nakupovat, Zůstat doma, Relax, Spát, Hraní video her
Ideální první rande by bylo
Nothing too formal in terms of where to eat. Seeing places that he likes to visit often or would tell me more about him by actions rather than words. For example, you take me to a place that you're enthusiastic about or can see yourself being yourself without having to worry about who sees you with who.

But, you know, it all depends on what he wants to do so I'm open to most things anyways.
Vždy jsem chtěl/a vyzkoušet
Tying up a young, muscular, masculine guy in a chair and pushing his limits more than he expects me to. Seeing young, masculine, muscular men tied up and nervous but, at the same time, loving what is happening to them at that moment. Even more so when he's an arrogant guy who can still come back to reality to love me without caring what people think of him.

A couple of other naughty things too :D. At the moment though I can't think of anything else I've always wanted to try.
Moji přátelé mě popisují jako
Přátelská osoba, Šotek, Temný, Potrhlý, Flirtující


Mé náboženství je
Spirituální, ale ne náboženský
Navštěvuji bohoslužby
Můj životní cíl je
To become financially stable after finishing my education, find that perfect masculine and muscular man for me, live my life without worrying if he's not really himself around me, buy the house I want, buy the car(s) I want, have a relatively drama free life (unlikely but I can hope), spoil myself with the things I've always wanted as a child, donate to charity and orphanages, other things.
Můj smysl humoru je
Chytrý, Suchý / sarkastický, Přátelská osoba, Potrhlý, Groteskní, Sadistický


V TV vždy sleduji
Kreslené filmy/seriály, Drama, Filmy
Když se dívám na filmy, vždy sleduji
Akční, Science fiction, Komedie, Drama, Animované
Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám
Electronic, Pop, Ambient, Dance
Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu
Fantasy, Fikce, Vědecké, Science fiction
Má představa zábavy je
Playing MMORPG's, playing certain video games, watching a hot muscular guy/boyfriend play video games (any genre), fooling around in bed with a muscular guy, tying up said muscular guy and using him as I please, cooking yummy food, playing volleyball, racing go-karts, spending time with a muscular guy at an amusement park, other things.


Co považuješ za atraktivní?
Inteligenci, Dobrý vzhled, Humor, Skvělé dovednosti, Empatii, Citlivost, Troufalost, Zvláštnosti, Spontánnost, Peníze, Moc, Koketnost, Důvtip, Ohleduplnost, Netečnost
Co hledáš?
A young (18-35 years old), masculine, muscular guy who's not afraid to be himself or honest even if the truth hurts. I prefer him to be older than me but very close to my age (by a couple of years). However, if the chemistry is there, I'm open to someone younger than me (or much older). He won't be afraid to let me tie him up and use him as my muscular slave on those nights he wants to have fun with me. He won't mind it if I'm only into tying him up and not being tied up myself. Someone who is social or the one always in the middle of a crowd; Someone almost the opposite to my antisocial behavior. He'll know how to relax but also how to be serious and mature. He'll still have that inner child that made him who he is today. If he's a troublemaker, only in the sense that he knows what is right and what is wrong; a strong sense of justice if he has a non-traditional way of going about justice. There IS more but you get the general idea. If not, I'm open to any questions at all.
Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?
Přítel, Partner na randění, Orální sex, Anální sex, Bondage, Jiné