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Champion, Ohio | TS/TV/TG Søger en Mand

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Jeg taler
Jeg beskriver mig selv som
UPDATED- 06/30/2015 Looking to date a country cowboy, {and it's not all about sex either} who's a cowboy--all day long! Must be tall, preferably over 6 foot, nicely built. MUST wear a cowboy hat and boots!!! No wannabes or fakers! MUST, I repeat...MUST BE A REAL COUNTRY COWBOY!!! Putting up walls is the only way I know how to protect what's going on inside this place I call, "my life". I'm so sick and tired of always being the loyal, faithful, dedicated and trusting one, in relationships. For once it would be nice to have man do that first. For a man to chase me for a change. For once it would be nice to have man in my life who is more focused on what they can give rather than what they can take. I've given too many wrong men the best parts of me. So if I'm not emotionally available the way you would like me to be, there are many reasons why. I need security--a sanctuary, if you will. Not in the form of secret service or military style. I need someone who can build a safe haven tailored for all of my fears, thoughts, doubts, concerns and anything else that may scare me. I need someone I can emotionally run to and feel completely safe within an endearing embrace, hug, intimate moment, or any other moment in time. So if you can't provide me with that, you will just end up abusing my time, my mind, my soul and my heart. If you cannot take me as I am...then I don't need you! Thanks...Gents! . I'm finding that dating in this new century, is rather difficult for me. I'm feeling a touch obsolete and antiquated with what i believe, with my traditions, my morals and values. Yes, I am at that age where i don't want to go clubbing, or partying until i'm sick with a hangover. listen up men... if you are married, i will not lower myself into being a home-wrecker like the one that destroyed my marriage so please, if you're married, please pass my profile by. I'M LOOKING FOR SINGLE MEN ONLY. Thanks for your attention in this matter! recently single and looking to attempt dating in this new age we're in. i'm down to earth, i love to cuddle on the couch and watch movies, i love going out to dinner, movies, etc. i enjoy camping every year with my family. i love music and movies, nice things, and i love to cook. i'm humble enough to appreciate what i have. i do not get jealous nor do i do drama. To me... COMMUNICATION between a couple is imperative! i don't lie, cheat or steal. i'm loyal, faithful, loving, passionate, sensitive, real, as in not some of this gurls here and there. i don't do games... if your not real, then piss off. I need every man that looks at my profile to know... I AM NON FUNCTIONAL! So please... stop asking if i will "top" you. it doesn't work and nor would i ever "top" anyone... hello... i'm a tranny! real trannies... don't do that... only shemales (and yes there is a difference) do that

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er
Min højde er
160 cm
Mine øjne er
Min etnicitet er
Kaukasisk, Afroamerikansk, Europæisk, Latinamerikansk, Indfødt amerikansk, Andet, Blandet etnicitet
Min civilstand er
Jeg har børn
Jeg vil have børn
Ikke sikker
Mit bedste karaktertræk er
Piercet... Men kun øre(r), Stategisk placeret tatovering
Mit hår er
Jeg har en eller flere af disse
Villig til at flytte


Mit uddannelsesniveau er
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er
Mit speciale er
Underholdning / medier
Min jobtitel er
Jeg tjener så meget på et år
Fra $45.000USD til $59.999USD
Jeg bor
Der er ingen støj
Jeg er ryger
Ja - prøver at stoppe
Jeg drikker


I gymnasiet var jeg
Min sociale opførsel er
Reserveret, Genert, Observerende, Venlig, Komisk, Flirtende, Uadvendt, Underlig
Mine interesser og hobbier er
Familie, Spise til middag, Motion, Læsning, Kunst og håndværk, Læring, Musik, Tv, Film, Spil, Gå på diskotek / barer, Dans, Teater, Rejser, Madlavning, Havearbejde, Biler, Camping, Computer, Shopping
Min idé om at have det sjovt er
Være sammen med venner, Shoppe, Være hjemme, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Afslappende, Diskotek / barer, Læse en bog, Gå på casino, Spille computerspil, Tv, Tage til koncert, Gå på museum
En ideel første date ville være
fine food, good wine... great conversation, hot man
Jeg har altid villet prøve
ride in a limo
Mine venner beskriver mig som
Venlig, En andre gerne vil være, Cool, Perfekt, Fjollet, En flirt


Min religion er
Jeg deltager i tjenester
Mit mål i livet er
continue writing my novels, and screenplays and make movies
Min form for humor er
Snu, Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fjollet, Slapstick, Sadistisk


I tv ser jeg altid
Nyheder, Tegnefilm, Dokumentarer, Dramaer, Sitcoms, Gør-det-selv, Film, Reality Shows, Genudsendelser
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en
Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romantik, Drama, Dokumentar, Familie, Animation, Gys, Thriller, Voksen
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til
Land, Rock, Metal, Pop, Klassisk, Blues, Jazz, Latin, New age, Dance, Soul, Punk
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid
Gammelt, Antologi, Selvbiografi, Biografi, Klassisk, Fantasy, Fiktion, Historie, Hus og have, Gys, Humor, Mystik, Poesi, Videnskab, Science Fiction, Jeg er forfatter, Romantik, Erotik, Overnaturlig
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er
getting in the car, and just going...wherever we stop...we spend the weekend doing whatever fits our fancy

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?
Morsom, Flirtende, Magt, Penge, Spontanitet, Skaldethed, Følsomhed, Empati, Dygtighed, Humor, Flot udseende, Omtanke, Intelligens
Hvad leder du efter?
a strong man... a dominate (not a control freak) a manly man...muscles, tats, tall, "large", someone who can show their emotions to. Someone who is good looking and ready to settle down.
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?
Dato, Forpligtet, Giftemål